The Moments: Day 4

Last morning with foster kits. Tears came shortly afterwards.  #kitten #themomentschallenge

"What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours?  So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp." ~ Marjorie Holmes 

This was Livvie's last few moments with Josie and Jonathan this morning before I took them in for adoption. The tears came just afterwards! We've had a special eight weeks with them as we've helped them grow big and strong enough for adoption. They were adopted today at our Mega Adoption event by a young girl not much older than my girls. Fostering is one of those things that is heartbreaking and rewarding at the same time. You fall in love with you charges only to set them off on a new path to a happy forever life!

Jump in on Daisy Yellow's The Moments  challenge and share a moment from your day every day in October!

1 comment:

Quiltin' Mama said...

We do not foster but I have 2 work Colleagues that do, much love and heartbreak that goes on but it is so worth while. Happy moment 1 - getting a sister/cousin to adopt a favorite kitty. Happy moment 2 taking on a momma cat and 3 day old kitties and all 6kittens made it to adoption. ( Momma too of course) :)
Good compassionate caring for all gods creatures- carry on.